Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Matron and Patron?

In many pagan practices deity plays an important role. The faces of Deity are as unique as the people worshiping them. Although some prefer not to include Deity in their practice (which is completely up to them and does not mean their skills are any less valid) there is a newly occurring practice of finding your matron and patron deities. These two deities represent the face of the God and the Goddess on a more specific or individual basis. They can be from the same pantheon or different ones. Usually they come to represent a balance not only in nature but within your life. Using your knowledge, plus research, you can sort out your connection to Deity. Symbols, animals, even plants you have love could all be linked to your matron and patron. Research is key.

Here is a great little meditation to meet your matron and patron deities. Look for clues, symbols, colors to help sort out who they arm. ask questions and always be polite.

Guided Meditation to Meet your Matron and Patron Deities

   Close your eyes and take a few relaxed breathes. Try to keep still as you go through the meditation. Take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Keep deep breathing with long, slow exhales. Feel it, hear it, and observe how this affects your body. As you breathe, mentally tell your body that it can relax. Keep your mind only on your breathing. Focus on the sound, the feeling of your lungs expanding and shrinking, and simply breathe. When your body has relaxed move into the following visualization.

   Visualize yourself standing on a plateau between two staircases. To your left is a descending staircase, moving down into a darkness you can not see into. To your right is a staircase that moves upward into a light that is too blinding to see past. Take a deep breath and turn to your right. Within your mind, let it be known you wish to meet with your matron and patron deities. Begin walking up the staircase. With each step you take allow your mind to move further into trance. Focus on the staircase as you climb and move deep into trance. The amount of steps will be up to you and your mind depending how much effort it takes for you to get into a deep trance state. When you reach the top of the steps you find yourself at the entrance of a huge room. How it appears to you will be different from anyone else. It is filled with people, but in the center is an aisle leading from the entrance to the back of the room. Walk down the aisle, which is very wide. Observe the clothing, coloring, and jewelry of the people you pass. When you get to the back of the room you see a raised platform with two thrones. To your right is a white marble throne, in it sits your patron and the masculine principle within your life. Look at him closely, remember as many details about him as you can. To your left is a black marble throne, in it sits your matron and the feminine principle in your life. Make sure to remember how she looks, her jewelry, and every detail you can. Bow low and show your respect. Ask to approach and speak with them. Be polite and try to get their names, attributes, and why they have claimed you as theirs.

    When the conversation is over and you are ready to go, thank them profusely and bow once more. Back up, turn around and head back to the staircase. Take a deep breath and begin walking back down the stairs. Tell yourself that with each step you are coming out of trance. When you reach the plateau take another deep breath and visualize your body. Become aware of your breath, your body and reconnect. Slowly open your eyes, stretch, and write down everything you can remember as quickly as possible.

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