Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Breath of HealingSpell

Breath of Healing

-mint leaves (or very strong mints)

Take the mint leaves and hold them in your hands. Fold your hands over the leaves and imagine them sucking in the heat and energy of your hands. Open your hands a little. Say this over the leaves,

"The sweet waters that flow,
The gentle winds that blow,
Refresh our spirits deep,
In these leaves our healing steeps."

Visualize the energy in the air soaking into the leaves. Take the leaves and place them in your mouth (make sure they are clean). Chew the leaves but do not eat. When you can clearly taste the mint, tuck the leaves in your cheeks. Blow upon your body, the places that need healing. If another person needs healing, gently blow upon their picture or visualize them while blowing air past your lips. 

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