Monday, August 20, 2012

Tea Spell

As this marks a special day for tea with me personally, I thought I would share that a little with everyone. If most people don't drink tea, there are many benefits to it. It has vitamins, antioxidants, and even a variety of levels of caffeine if you want to have only light caffeine. Tea can also be served hot or cold, as in iced tea. So with that said, let's continue on.

-tea (loose leaf or bagged)
-teapot (with strainer if loose leaf)
-your favorite tea

Start by heating up the water in your teapot or in a separate pot if your teapot is not stove safe. Once the water is heated up, take it off the stove and add your tea. As you add your tea imagine all the positive qualities of the herbs moving into the hot water. Think of your future goals and pick out one in particular. Visualize your goal and say it aloud as you add the tea to the hot water. Imagine the herbs glowing a bright color and as they sit in the hot water see them turn the water the same color. Hold that in your mind and say,

"The Cauldron sit upon the fire,
Boiling in my heart's desire,
In the water it does move,
And in my heart it does soothe."

Add sugar to your mug and when the tea has steeped enough, add in the tea. Stir and drink, knowing your goal is waiting ahead of you.

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