Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Spell for Comfort

With the tragedies in the last month and the coming festivals of harvest, let's take a minute to give thanks for our lives. Then, send prayers to those who have been effected by both the Aurora and Sikh Temple shootings.

Spell For Comfort

Goddess: Nebet-Het (Nephthys)
Goddess of hidden things, grief, the dead, the home, the temple

-small basket
-white candle
-picture of the injured or newspaper clipping of incident

Place the basket on your kitchen table or flat surface you can see easily. Place the candle, in a fire-proof holder, in front of the basket. Place your picture or newspaper article in the basket. You can add any offering such as food, herbs, stones, a letter, flowers, or a card. Stand up straight, look at your small basket and candle and close your eyes. Hold the image of the person or people in your mind. Let your emotions come up to the surface. When you can, say,

"Nebet-Het, Lady of the Temple,
Western Star and Guide,
Deliver your comforting embrace,
Bring peace where none was before,
Tame hot pains with cool water,
And to deliver all to the Western shore."

Give a moment of silence to let your prayer to the goddess sink in. Let the basket sit out and the candle burn out if it is safe to do so. Blessings to those in need.

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