Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Collecting the Rain

When the rain has got you down, don't forget how powerful it can really be. On those rainy days, set out some buckets or pails. Collect the rain water. Go to a cemetery and set out a bowl, or go into the woods and collect it there. Make it a special trip, sacred, and dedicate it to Deity. Where ever you collect the rain, burn some incense or tobacco to give back to the spirits and Deity.

Once you have the rain water, bottle as much as you feel like for later use in cleansing, blessings, protections, and much more. If you have a good amount left over, run yourself a bath. Bless the rain water and had a couple spoon fulls to your bath water. It is great for washing away the negativity. If you still have a lot of water left, bottle some for friends, but whatever you don't use, give it back to the earth. 

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