Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Healing Spirit Circle

Healing Spirit Circle

to create a source of emotional and spiritual healing for the spirits and beings in need.


  • 5 candles (white is preferable) with fire-proof contains/plates for each
  • Pictures of (deceased) relatives, angels, totems, and other good spirits
  • bowl
  • cup
  • water
  • bread (or pastry)
  • matches or lighter
  • other items of healing (herbs, stones, etc)

In an open area, place your candles around in a circle so there is room enough for you to sit and move about the circle. Set the bowl and cup inside the circle to the west. Around the bowl and cup lay out the pictures of your honored dead, pictures of animal totems, and other healing items. Light the candles. Fill the cup with water and the bowl with bread. Sit facing the west and take a deep breath. Relax and image the circle you created filled with light. Place your hands to your chest and feel your heartbeat. Focus on your heartbeat for a minute and imagine that each time your heart beats the circle pulses as well. Visualize it pulsing along with your heart. Take another deep breath and allow the positive feelings in your heart bubble up and become part of the pulsing circle. Once you have a high level of good energy, look down at your pictures. Say,

"Spirits here and spirits passed,
Honored in these times I call,
To all of you I set a task,
Come for healing do you draw,
From the circle to heal your wound,
That earthly matters have undone.
No ill-will may you bring,
Into this place of selfless means."

Go into light meditation to keep up the positive energy. Visualize taking in energy from the earth and sending it out into the Universe in a healing manner. If there are any loved ones that may needs= healing, imagine them healed. Let the water and bread be an offering to the good spirits. When done, blow out the candles, and leave the offerings out until the next day.

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