Thursday, September 13, 2012

Shaman's Era

image by Susan Seddon Boulet

Before gods and before the craft, or even formal ritual or religion, there were shamans. This was before even the divergence of culture or race became really important. Shamans were the middle men between the village and the Universe. Of course, the Universe consisted of as much land as the village knew about. A shaman was different than a medicine man. Medicine men, and women, were part of the village and knew the lore of herbs and other healing arts. They were sought after and appreciated part of the village. The shaman was a world away. The shamans were people of spirit that lived in isolation, a person respected but revered. They were sought only when trouble occurred. Their's was a path of balance through spiritual exploration and knowledge. 
Now-a-days, many of us try to live a life of balance between the physical realms and the spiritual realms. It can be tough, but doable. We are returning to the ways of our far distant ancestors and that is the way of cycles. Just like fashion, we always come back around to cycle through our past. Walk in balance in the shaman's era once more!

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