Monday, July 23, 2012

Simple Clearing Spell

All you need is yourself. Go into the center of your home or room that needs cleansing. Stand straight, let your hands rest at your side, and close your eyes. Breath normally and relax. Visualize a pulsing white light at your heart area just in front of your chest. Take in a deep breath and feel the light brighten. Let out your breath slowly and feel the light pulse strongly along your chest. Hold the visualization of the light. Bring your power hand up and trace a star symbol in the air in front of you. Imagine your fingers leaving behind a green or blue light as you make the shape so by the end you have the star in front of you in either color. Bring both hands to the sides of your head, palms facing towards your head. Tense your muscles and gather up energy. Take in a deep breathe. All in one motion push out all the air in your lung and also push your arms out quickly, as if you were pushing the star. Visualize the star moving in to the walks of your home/room and sticking there. You can do this for each room, mirror, door, or just for one room.

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